Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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Wiki Markup

{comment} ---------------------------- COUNTDOWN -------------------------------- {comment}

The crew have touched down in the US, and are currently travelling to Utah in preparation for the mission.

They will arrive at 'Mars Base' on *Saturday 21 April*, unpack and prepare, and then commence the mission 'simulation' two days later.
{html}<div id="defaultCountdown" style="width: 200px;"></div>{html}

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>
<style type="text/css">@import ""; </style>
  $(function () {
    var targetDate = new Date( 2012-1 + 1, 4 - 1, 23, 10-1, 0, 0);
    $('#defaultCountdown').countdown({until: targetDate, serverSync: serverTime, description:"Until touchdown (Simulation start)", timezone: -6});

  var liftoffTime = new Date(2012, 04, 25)

  jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $('#syncCountdown').countdown({since: new Date(2012, 12-1, 25), serverSync: serverTime });
    //  $('#syncCountdown').countdown( {until: liftoffTime, serverSync: serverTime}); 
  function serverTime() { 
    var time = null; 
    $.ajax({url: '', 
        async: false, dataType: 'text', 
        success: function(text) { 
            time = new Date(text); 
        }, error: function(http, message, exc) { 
            time = new Date(); 
    return time; 
{comment} ------------------------------- END ---------------------------------- {comment}

h4. Recent updates

[!PORTAL:Home^rss_feed.gif|border=0! Subscribe via RSS|]

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    {date-sort:content:modification date|order=descending}
    {report-info:content:creation date|format=d MMM}
    {report-info:content:creation date|format=HH:mm}
    {report-info:content:bodyexcerpt > text:first 200|render=wiki}..match ".+" > match:value|default=%content:body > text:first 200%|render=wiki}... {report-link:content:url}Read more{report-link}
    {report-on:content:attachments}{report-image:attachment:thumbnail path|width=50px|height=50px}{report-on:thumbnail path|width=50px|height=50px}{report-on}
      <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style"
        addthis:url="{html}{report-info:content:tiny url}{html}"
        addthis:title="{html}{report-info:content:title}: {report-info:content:excerpt > text:first 80}{html}"
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h4. Follow the Journey
[!mappreview.jpg|border=1,width=300,height=236!|Mission Map]
Where have the crew travelled on 'Mars'? 

h4. Today's schedule


h4. Other stuff to factor in

* Facebook/Google+/Twitter integration -- comments?
* "Days elapsed/remaining"


h4. Live Feed

{comment} ---------------------------- AJAX UPDATE ----------------------------------- {comment}
  <a href="Webcams"><img id="webcam" src="" width="200" height="150" border="1" alt="Webcam"></a><br/>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    var hoursDiff = +6;
    var currentCam = 0;
    var cams = new Array();
    cams[0] = "";
    cams[1] = "";
    cams[2] = "";
    cams[3] = "";
    cams[4] = "";
    cams[5] = "";

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
      setTimeout("webcamCycle()", 1000*5);

    function webcamCycle() {
      now = new Date();
      uniq = "?"+now.getTime();

      var numCams = 6;

      // if it's after 9pm or before 6am then only show the first 3 cams
      if ( (now.getHours() + hoursDiff >= 21) || (now.getHours() + hoursDiff <= 6) ) {
        numCams = 3;
      if (currentCam > numCams-1) { 
        currentCam = 0;
      } = cams[currentCam] +uniq;

      setTimeout("webcamCycle()", 1000*5);
{comment} ----------------------------    END    ----------------------------------- {comment}

h4. Crew Status

   .crewstatus * { 
       font-family: helvetica,arial,sans-serif !important;
       font-size: 11px !important; 
       line-height: 15px !important;
       letter-spacing: 0px !important
   .crewstatus table { width: 200px; }
{html}<div class="crewstatus">{html}
| !MDRS:Meet the Crew^Hari.jpg|border=1,width=40!\\ | _[Haritina Mogosanu|MDRS:CDR - Commander|overlay]_ \\
_Mission Commander_ \\
Location: {html}<span style="font-weight: bold;" id="haritina_location">...</span>{html} \\
Task: {html}<span style="font-weight: bold;" id="haritina_task">...</span>{html} |
| !MDRS:Meet the Crew^Mike.jpg|border=1,width=40! | _[Mike Bodnar|MDRS:XO - First Officer|overlay]_ \\
_First Officer_ \\
Location: {html}<span style="font-weight: bold;" id="mike_location">...</span>{html} \\
Task: {html}<span style="font-weight: bold;" id="mike_task">...</span>{html} |
| !MDRS:Meet the Crew^Annalea.jpg|border=1,width=40! | _[Annalea Beatie|MDRS:MSL - Mission Specialist Life Sciences|overlay]_ \\
_Mission Specialist_ \\
Location: {html}<span style="font-weight: bold;" id="annalea_location">...</span>{html} \\
Task: {html}<span style="font-weight: bold;" id="annalea_task">...</span>{html} |
| !MDRS:Meet the Crew^Don.jpg|border=1,width=40! | _[Don Stewart|MDRS:FE - Flight Engineer|overlay]_ \\
_Flight Engineer_ \\
Location: {html}<span style="font-weight: bold;" id="don_location">...</span>{html} \\
Task: {html}<span style="font-weight: bold;" id="don_task">...</span>{html} |
| !MDRS:Meet the Crew^Ali copy.jpg|border=1,width=40!\\ | _[Ali Harley|MDRS:MSP - Mission Specialist Planetary Sciences|overlay]_ \\
_Geologist_ \\
Location: {html}<span style="font-weight: bold;" id="ali_location">...</span>{html} \\
Task: {html}<span style="font-weight: bold;" id="ali_task">...</span>{html} |
| !MDRS:Meet the Crew^Bruce.jpg|border=1,width=40! | _[Bruce Ngataierua|MDRS:HSO - Health & Safety Officer|overlay]_ \\
_Health & Safety Officer_ \\
Location: {html}<span style="font-weight: bold;" id="bruce_location">...</span>{html} \\
Task: {html}<span style="font-weight: bold;" id="bruce_task">...</span>{html} |

h4. Weather on Mars
{html}<span style="display: block !important; width: 180px; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px;"><a href="" title="Hanksville, Utah Weather Forecast"><img src="" alt="Find more about Weather in Hanksville, UT" width="160" /></a><br></span>{html} 



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{comment} ---------------------------- AJAX UPDATE ----------------------------------- {comment}
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{comment} ----------------------------    END    ----------------------------------- {comment}