High Altitude Ballooning is a great, cheap way to send a payload up near the edge of space - be it a scientific payload, educational, or simply a mascot, photo, etc. A number of groups have send up balloons - and as we become aware of them, we'll be cataloging them here:



April 2011


KiwiSpace Edge of Space project

Torbay School


Pending regulatory clearance

Torbay School

Students at Torbay School (primary) wanted to launch 'Santa to the Space' in November 2013. They worked with KiwiSpace and QuestForStars (USA) to source a payload, which incorporated 2 cameras, APRS (Ham Radio), a Satellite-connected GPS unit, and a Video transmitter - so you could watch the flight live from the ground.

They unfortunately have been declined clearance from Airways corporation at the present time, and are still working through how to get this – or may consider flying in the South Island, or if necessary overseas.

Torbay SchoolLAUNCHED

May 2014


Fun Helium balloon launch

As the students' main balloon launch has been delayed due to regulatory hassles, for a bit of fun - they launched just a small balloon with no payload from the school grounds.

The Edge (Radio)RECOVEREDMay 2014

Jay Jay, Mike & Dom in Space

The Edge radio station did a campaign "Send your Selfie to Space" – and launched a balloon from Waikato University in Hamilton.



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