Emma Braegen

Flight Engineer (FE)

Health & Safety Officer (HSO)

Living in: Melbourne

Special interest/s while on the mission:

Engineering, Aircraft, Dust Mitigation


Emma Braegen


Mechanical Engineer at BAE Systems Australia

Professional qualification/s:

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Science (Physics and Theoretical Physics)

Passionate about Mars because:

The idea of space travel and exploration really inspires me and Mars would be one of the great places to visit. Mars is the closest planet to us that we could possibly live on and it is fascinating to find out more about it. Designing and building the tools and equipment required to travel to, explore and survive on Mars is also a great engineering challenge and one that I am keen to be a part of.

Any other relevant detail/s:
  • Participant in International Space University Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program 2011
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