Date and time: 29 April 2012, 1100 hrs to 1400 hrs 
Written by: Mike Bodnar, Crew 118, First Officer

Two crew members made a short EVA towards Phobos Peak on 29 April, for a period of approximately 1.5 hours.

The aims were to gather some specific soil samples which one crew member wanted for use in a clay pottery project, and to undertake photography of some of the capstones it the area immediately below the peak.

Both aims we're achieved, with no ancillary discoveries other than a couple of intriguing 'lines' of very small flattish rocks embedded at right angles in the ground. These gave the impression of having been tidally created, or washed into place in some other way. The lines were up to five meters long and will likely be washed away in the next rains.


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