
*Welcome to the NZ Space Foundation (NZSF)*.
We are committed to helping ignite a vibrant New Zealand space industry and education framework.

The foundation was founded in April 2010, by a group of enthusiastic rocketeers and space advocates - and is currently in its startup and discovery phase.

This website explains what we hope to do, and to highlight the plethora of space-related activities already in existence in NZ. Sections of this site are still under development as we commence our public outreach, so please bear with us - and help *spread the word* to anyone who has an interested in spaceflight.


h5. Our Vision
Our goal is to have an active education campaign, covering the full breadth of space science - but ultimately having every secondary school in NZ developing and launching a satellite or rocket into orbit. ...[More]
We aim to unify the NZ Space Community - from spectators to the dreamers and visionaries actually building or working on space technology. ...[More]
While the NZSF will not build any rockets, we recognise the importance of native launch capabilities - and will be working with rocket developers to clear roadblocks and cultivate launch infrastructure. ...[More]
Browse our *[full vision]*, covering [Representation], [Advocacy], [Space Policy], [Community Engagement] and more.






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    Cassini Scientist for a day!
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h5. NZ Space Community

|| [NZ Rocketry Association (NZRA)|http://www.nzrocketry.org.nz] ||
| A great hands-on way to get ?started on your space dreams, is to get involved with model rocketry. The NZRA has been launching for almost 20 years - helping enthusiasts of all ages enjoy the rush of launching their own rocket. They hold a *National Rocket Day* every year around February which is open to the public. |

|| Orion Rocket Team (ORT) ||
| ORT is an open group looking to encourage rocket enthusiasts in New Zealand to roll up their sleeves and get involved in high power and experimental rocketry. Founded in 2010, they have a simple goal: Double the altitude with every rocket launch\!\\
 Formed around a group of veteran advisors, they are looking to push the skills of their members and try daring new technologies and concepts. Follow along with the June 13th launch of Orion-1A&nbsp;for New Zealand's first three stage launch. |

|| [KiwiSAT|http://www.kiwisat.org] ||
| An Amateur Radio project, supported by Massey University -- this Cubesat-size satellite has been under development for several years and is almost nearing completion. It is scheduled to be a secondary payload on an upcoming DEPNR launch |

|| N-Prize Entrants ||
| The N-Prize: a _nearly_ impossible global competition to launch a tiny satellite for under £999 (~$2,300 NZD). Three teams from New Zealand (making up around 12.5% of the total worldwide entrants to date) are taking on this challenge.  Check out their blogs for progress updates.
- [Team 99.9|http://team9.99.org.nz/]
- [Kiwi2Space|http://www.kiwi2space.co.nz/]
- [Anahere Tere|http://www.anaheratere.co.nz/] |

|| [NZ Spaceflight Association|http://www.nzspace.org.nz] ||
| Since 1977 the NZSA has been informing and promoting spaceflight in NZ. This group is a fountain of knowledge, and meet monthly in Auckland to bring updates on the global space scene. |

|| [RocketLab|http://www.rocketlab.co.nz/] ||
| This crew blasted onto the [front page|http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10612583] in November 2009, with the launch of *Atea-1*, a rocket designed to reach the sub-orbital regions of space. |



h3. We need your help\!

Ultimately the success of the NZSF comes down to the contribution of members - so we need your help. Most of all during this discovery phase - we want to find out *what's going on, that we don't know about*\!  The initial committee quickly discovered that there was a lot more going on around New Zealand than we realised - but we're certain there are a lot more Kiwis out there working deep-in or on the fringe of space enterprise.

Do you know of any Kiwis (in NZ or abroad, dead or alive) who:
* Works for an aerospace company?
* Are currently working on space-related research, projects or products?
* Is damn keen to help kickstart the NZ Space Race, and would like to join the NZSF team?
* Is involved (or is keen to be involved) with Space education - at any level?

In addition to these specific areas we're trying to research, who we're ultimately after is you -- a space enthusiast who took the time to take a look at this site.  If the activities and vision of the NZSF is for you, then [register your interest|PORTAL:Contact Us]\!. We're still in the early stages of getting going, but have a committee that is meeting regularly to discuss the direction and next steps - and hope to have some public displays, conferences or meetings in the not too distant future.

h5. Featured Team Member

(Coming soon)

See the [entire team]...


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We're just in the process of launching the site, so a number of links won't exist yet.

We're progressively adding more content each week - or if there's something you're particularly interested in, drop us an email.

h3. News & Blogs

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h3. Featured Articles

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h5. What's on?

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