Education & Research

Space Law & Policy

There are two distinct policy and legal areas which the NZSF wishes to ensure are considered:

International Space Policy: Global leaders are developing legislation, treaties and best-practices policies which will set the standard for how we as the human race will operate in space. Questions like 'Should weapons be allowed in space?' or 'Who is liable if a rocket crash lands on New Zealand or two satellites collide?' are being decided now internationally. Should New Zealand be pushing for a nuclear free outer space?

New Zealand Law & Policies: What laws and policies should New Zealand have in-place to protect the interests of the NZ public, and what policies should exist that will help support the development of a local space industry? And how do we get the balance right?

The subcommittee seeks to:


New Zealand has a strong technology industry, many of which have applications in aerospace, communications or scientific fields. The committee aims to create an 'industry forum' where New Zealand enterprises or international organisations with NZ-based offices or teams can participate and work through common issues.

The NZSF aims to increase the profile and success of the NZ space industry through:


To succeed in the long-term, New Zealand needs commitment from the government to provide investment, strategic direction and policy development. This committee is tasked with helping produce principles and a framework that the NZ Government can adopt or extend.

The NZSF hopes to improve the long term competitiveness, safety and accessibility of New Zealand aerospace by: