*In This Section*

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We hope to document key space-related courses and projects at the various universities around New Zealand.

h2. [University of Auckland|http://www.auckland.ac.nz]

h5. [Liggins Institute: LENScience|http://lenscience.auckland.ac.nz/]
"Bringing Schools and Scientists Together". 
Download the ['Liggins Education Network for Science' brochure|^LENSbrochure.pdf]

h2. [AUT University|http://www.aut.ac.nz]

h2. [University of Waikato|http://www.waikato.ac.nz]

h2. [Massey University|http://www.massey.ac.nz]

h2. [Victoria University of Wellington|http://www.vuw.ac.nz]

h2. [University of Canterbury|http://www.canterbury.ac.nz]

h5. [MOA: Microlensing Observation in Astrophysics|http://www.phys.canterbury.ac.nz/moa/]
!Logo_with MOA bird_small2.gif|align=right!
MOA (Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics) is a Japan/NZ collaboration that makes observations on dark matter, extra-solar planets and stellar atmospheres using the gravitational microlensing technique at the Mt John Observatory in New Zealand pictured above. 

* [NASA: Free-floating Planets may be more common than stars|http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2011/may/HQ_11-148_Free_Planets.html] _18 May 2011_

h5. [UC Astronomy Resources for Teachers|http://www.outreach.canterbury.ac.nz/teachresources.shtml]
Includes this [Ideas for teaching Astronomy|^UC astronomy resources.doc] document.

h5. [Presentations for Schools|http://www.outreach.canterbury.ac.nz/presentations/index.shtml]
Researchers at UC give presentations to schools in the Canterbury region, including topics on Planet Earth and Beyond (Years 9-11).

h5. [Aurora Astronomy School|http://www.outreach.canterbury.ac.nz/aurora.shtml]
The department of Physics at University of Canterbury operates an astronomy outreach programme for year 13 students each year. The 2011 edition was cancelled due to the Canterbury Earthquake, but it should be running in 2012 around Easter weekend.

You can view the [^Aurora Astro School_11.pdf], to get a better idea of what the program offers, costs, etc.

h2. [Lincoln University|http://www.lincoln.ac.nz]

h2. [University of Otago|http://www.otago.ac.nz]

h5. [AARDDVARK: Antarctic-Arctic Radiation-belt (Dynamic) Deposition - VLF Atmospheric Research Konsortium|http://www.physics.otago.ac.nz/space/AARDDVARK_homepage.htm]
Provides continuous long-range observations of the lower-ionosphere. The Konsortia sensors detect changes in ionisation levels from ~30-85 km altitude, with the goal of increasing the understanding of energy coupling between the Earth's atmosphere, Sun, and Space
