The KiwiMars 2012 Mission is over
We have left links to the webcams so you can see what is going on at MDRS; but they will relate to another mission (or may be offline if MDRS is not in use).

  <script type="text/javascript">
$('a[rel="#overlay"]').colorbox({ iframe:true, width:"380px", height:"360px", fixed:"true", current:"Camera {current} of {total}" });

*Images refresh automatically in

<b id="countDownText" style="color: red;">0</b>

These webcams are located in the interior and exterior of the Mars Desert Research Station.

<img style="border: 1px solid;" id="webcam4" src="" name="webcam4" width="320" height="240"/><br/>
<a href="/mark/kiwimars/webcams/timelapse.php?cam=1" rel="#overlay" style="text-decoration:none">View 12-hour Timelapse</a>

First floor: main 'living room'. Kitchen area in the front, hab working area (next camera) to the right and sleeping quarters are on the left. The camera is located above the stairs that come from the ground floor.

<img style="border: 1px solid;" id="webcam5" src="" name="webcam5" width="320" height="240"/><br/>
<a href="/mark/kiwimars/webcams/timelapse.php?cam=2" rel="#overlay" style="text-decoration:none">View 12-hour Timelapse</a>

First floor: working bench and computer area. 

<img style="border: 1px solid;" id="webcam6" src="" name="webcam6" width="320" height="240"/><br/>
<a href="/mark/kiwimars/webcams/timelapse.php?cam=3" rel="#overlay" style="text-decoration:none">View 12-hour Timelapse</a>

Ground floor: here is where all the scientific and engineering equipment is stored. First room to the left is the EVA prep room, second to the left leads to the shower and the toilet and straight ahead is the engineering exit. On the left hand side the science experiments take place.

<img style="border: 1px solid;" id="webcam1" src="" name="webcam1" width="320" height="240"/><br/>
<a href="/mark/kiwimars/webcams/timelapse.php?cam=4" rel="#overlay" style="text-decoration:none">View 12-hour Timelapse</a>

A vew from Musk Observatory down at the Hab. The camera will zoom in on any motion.

<img style="border: 1px solid;" id="webcam2" src="" name="webcam2" width="320" height="240"/><br/>
<a href="/mark/kiwimars/webcams/timelapse.php?cam=5" rel="#overlay" style="text-decoration:none">View 12-hour Timelapse</a>

A view of the outside of the Hab where the ATVs are located.

<img style="border: 1px solid;" id="webcam3" src="" name="webcam3" width="320" height="240"/><br/>
<a href="/mark/kiwimars/webcams/timelapse.php?cam=6" rel="#overlay" style="text-decoration:none">View 12-hour Timelapse</a>

Here is the storeroom for all EVA equipment: suits, radios, helmets, backpacks, boots, gloves and charging bay for radios and backpacks and dress up room. 

<script type="text/javascript">
var countDownInterval=180;
var countDownSecondsIncrement=1;
var countDownTime=countDownInterval;

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document.all.countDownText.innerText = countDownTime; // Set initial time
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Understanding the Webcams

  • If the images are black, then please check the time on 'Mars' (Mountain Time in Utah). At night exterior cameras will be black, or it's possible the lights may be off in a particular room.
  • If an image does not appear to be updating, please check back in a few hours or tomorrow. We keep an eye each day on the images, and will try to keep them online as much as possible.
  • If nothing appears to be happening, check the mission schedule – crew members may be out on an EVA, currently sleeping, etc.