Crew118Day09CommanderCheck-In Report
Date and time: 29 April 2012, 2000 hrs
Written by: Haritina Mogosanu, Crew 118, Commander
Panel |
Crew physical status:
good, R&R (rest and relaxation) day today
Time Departed/Returned from EVA:
EVA 07 - 'Antipodes 3' with Dachstein Austria and Wellington from 0200 hrs to 0230 hrs
EVA 08 - 1100 hrs to 1400 hrs
EVA 09 - 1600 hrs to 1900 hrs
EVA 10 - 1600 hrs to 1800 hrs
Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results:
Antipodes 3 is an Operations experiment where a loss of communication (e.g. satellite is out-of-range) to Earth is simulated. A parallel landing party on the other side of Mars is requested to take over the coordination of an ongoing Extra-Vehicular Activity via their habitat, relayed via a satellite in Martian orbit until Earth is able to reestablish contact again. In Antipodes 3, the MDRS crew performs the experiment under instructions from Dachstein which takes over the loss of contact. It has not happened that way as the contact was lost for real; instead the experiment (samples gathering) was performed under instructions from Mission Control Wellington.
EVA 08, 09 and 10 were recreational EVAs.
EVA Data/Interpretations:
Operation Antipodes was a (partial) success as we lost comms with Dachstein Austria. The mission was accomplished following the instructions from Mission Control Wellington, New Zealand. Since the operation was a dress rehearsal for what might happen in real field situations, we consider it accomplished ...
XO Bodnar and FE Stewart gathered the clay samples they needed and took the photos they were after.
CDR Mogosanu and MSPS Harley came back very relaxed from the EVA to the Summerville formations, so relaxed they almost got lost.
MSLS Beattie and FE Stewart had a stroll to Mount Olympus.
Engineering/Hab Maintenance:
Packages delivered to the Hab:
(For each one received, note the following:)
Ordered by:
How package arrived at the Hab:
Contents of package:
Condition of contents:
Disposition of contents and packing slip/receipt:
Report Transmission Schedule:
Plans for Tomorrow:
Muddy Creek / Factory Butte EVA
Support Requested: