Crew118Day08CommanderCheck-In Report
Date and time: 28 April 2012, 2000 hrs
Written by: Haritina Mogosanu, Crew 118, Commander
Crew Physical Status:
Panel | ||||||
Time Departed/Returned from EVA:
1100 hrs to 1600 hrs (approx) Out of SIM Field Training Day
Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results:
KiwiMars team had another invaluable experience in the long line of invaluable experiences at MDRS: a field day training with Jon Rask of NASA AMES.
We started around the HAB, looking at endoliths, hypoliths and all sorts of other new and interesting things which are right under our nose then we continued with the Lith Canyon,
Box Canyon
and the Henry Mountains.
(our HAB should be approximately where the Tupua Kiwi points her nose)
Jon gave us an overview of the entire geological features of the area including the Entrada, Sumerville and Morrison formations and the relevance of the local geology for studying Mars.
EVA Data/Interpretations:
There is nothing like the "big picture" it always brings new perspectives on things!
Engineering/Hab Maintenance:
Installing the new telescope - in progress - counterweights not heavy enough to balance the secondary telescope.
Packages delivered to the Hab:none
(For each one received, note the following:)
Sender: (e.g. Newegg,
Ordered by: (if marked on the packing slip)
How package arrived at the Hab:
Contents of package:
Condition of contents:
Disposition of contents and packing slip/receipt:
Report Transmission Schedule:
Journalist, EVA reports sent.
Engineering report ETA by 2030 hrs
Commander Report ETA by 2030 hrs
Pictures of the day ETA 2030 hrs
Plans for Tomorrow:
Operation Antipodes - continued.
Support Requested:
Today at 0800 hrs I performed the first comms check with the Austrian Space Forum (OEWF) which precedes Operation Antipodes. The operation simulates the landing of two parties on each side of 'Mars' (MDRS and Dachstein) followed by a loss of comms with Mission Control Earth. MDRS takes over as Mission Support for the Aouda.X suit and the operation continues on the field. Today we had a direct link with the Austrian media describing MDRS and KiwiMars 2012.
Operation Antipodes is a world's first.
We went over the bandwidth allocation due to the Skype live interview with the Austrians, something we estimated will happen but the force coming from the lure of being live with half the press in Austria talking about KiwiMars and MDRS was stronger.